Thursday, March 4, 2010

Being a Kid

I love Thursday nights. Not as much as I love Friday nights, but close. Obviously I live for weekends. I don't think I lived for weekends as much when I was a student because I would still have to do a ton of work, at least during the days. In the past 10 months or so since I finished my masters, I just LOVE weekends. That's all I can. I am in love with them.

Speaking of love, I'm also in love with a new class at the gym that I went to tonight. It's called Urban Rebounding. The main equipment needed?


Yup, a trampoline! If you want to see a video of how this greatness works, here it is. It's pretty much 80s aerobics class on a trampoline. It was described on the Healthworks website as "Aerobic conditioning performed on mini trampolines. This class challenges you cardiovascular system with minimal impact." With my knee troubles, I was immediately interested in the idea of "minimal impact." Spinning is one of the only things I have found that is no impact, but still gives me a good cardio work out. By cardio work out I mean you are completely sweaty and out of breath. Plus I was kind of excited about the whole trampoline thing...

When you are a little kid jumping on a trampoline you push off with your legs and try to jump as high as you can. When you are "rebounding" you are actually pushing down to get a better work out, rather than jump high in the air. We did a bunch of different moves: marching, jumping side to side, crossing over, jumping jacks etc. I have to say, I loved the fact that I could actually do jumping jacks because the trampoline meant it did not hurt my knee, yipee. I also just love classes that have great music and are constantly changing the whole time. Just makes the time fly by! The only thing I did not love about this class was that I am terrible at learning routines. Literally, you tell me three left, one right then clap and I'm like sorry what? Fortunately the teacher was good about yelling what we should be doing, and somehow it managed to not be everyone else in the class to the left, Kelly to the right. Thankfully.

So, to sum up, my two favorite classes at the gym right now are biking and jumping on a trampoline. Yup, I'm about six years old! I hang out with six years olds all day and then I pretend to be one. Contrary to what you may think though, I really have no actual desire to go back to being a kid. I know that sounds weird, but I don't want people to tell me what to do all day long. I don't want to have homework (and let me distinguish between kid homework, which is pointless, and stuff that I have to do at home which has a purpose- to help little kids learn). I want to decide when I pick up my dirty clothes. I want to be able to go see my friends on a Tuesday night if I want to. What can I say? I like making my own rules :) Plus I love that I can be friends with my parents and siblings as an adult. Speaking of which, you should read my guest post on my sister's blog today. It's all about how much I love her and if nothing else you'll get to see funny pictures of us as kiddos.

What are your favorite classes at the gym? What do you look for in a good class?

Happy Almost Friday! (or Friday if you are reading this tomorrow) yay! Tell me the thing you are looking MOST forward to about this weekend.


  1. I had a GREAT spinning class today! I have wanted to try that trampoline class, but I am SO afraid I will fly off and land on my head, as I tend to do! This weekend= taper back before next weekend 21 miler so no long run and my husband isn't working. Hooray!

  2. I'm looking forward to HOPEFULLY nice weather and spending the weekend at Fraser Island... hoooping!

  3. I love spinning and anything with weights :-) I'm nervous to try the rebounding class!

  4. A trampoline class?? Sign me up! I *wish* we had something like that!

    I'd have to say my fave is one called HOT - High Octaine Training. We do high intensity cardio and strength intervals. It's an excellent full body workout that has my heart pumping the whole hour. Fun, too!

  5. AH I'm with you- I love my job but I LOOOVE not having ANYTHING to do and nothing glooming in the background like papers or reading! Weekends are marvelous :)

  6. I've always wanted to try a rebounding class!! They don't offer them at my gym though.

    If your gym offers Body Attack...GO! It's the most fun, intense workout ever.

  7. I am soooo looking forward to SLEEPING this weekend. I started my Spring Break so I'm so looking forward to a whole weekend where I don't even think about school! I'm so looking forward to it.

    And a trampoline class? SOUNDS LIKE A BLAST! I love fun workout classes.

  8. Your gym has way cooler classes than mine does!

    My fave class is probably Body Pump. I haven't done it lately because there's a decent amount of squatting & lunging and that really bothers my knee. Hopefully my kneee is better soon so I can get back to those classes!

  9. I'm not sure I'm coordinated enough for a trampoline. But it sounds like a fun workout approach!

  10. That sounds so fun! We had a huge trampoline in our backyard growing up and my brother and I spent HOURS on that thing!

  11. Ooooh I've heard of those trampoline classes! Looks fun!

    The only thing I like about weekends is sleeping in. And, by sleeping in, I mean I get up around 7-8 am instead of 5-6 am. I then spend the majority of my day, like you said, doing homework. FUN.

    This weekend I will also be doing a lot of moving. Not looking forward to that either!

    My favourite classes at the gym are definitely spin and yoga!

  12. oh i've heard about those classes and they sound fun! I like doing dance dvd's at home for a fun mix up

  13. I've heard about these classes and they look fun! I like doing kickboxing or dancey cardio classes.

  14. That sounds like a fun class. I wish they had it at my gym.

    Im looking forward to doing nothing this weekend. That and it being 60 degrees.

  15. That sounds like an awesome exercise. I wish my gym had those classes. I gave you an award on my blog -
