Tuesday, May 1, 2018

On My Mind, May 2018

^Another birthday party this weekend!

My mind feels really busy these days. It seems like every minute of every day (and sometimes night) someone needs me, mostly Max and Jack, of course. When there is a quiet minute, I'm either too drained to enjoy it or I need to bust out one million logistics. People tell me when I go back to work I'll naturally have less time to worry about the logistics. I wish I could worry about them less now, to be honest.

^Jack wants to be just like his big brother.

This weekend was good. I did some consignment sale shopping with my friend on Saturday. It was a bit crazy (think: lining up for 30 minutes before, practically running in and then waiting at least an hour in line to check out) but I did better than usual in what I left with, so that's good. Saturday night we had an impromptu neighbor date- ordered some food, ate in the driveway while we watched the kids play. Add this to the list of reasons I like having open space on my schedule. Sunday I organized kids clothes (why is this a NEVER ENDING job?!) and then we had another birthday party (see photo above).

This past week I tried to focus on:

Getting in my work outs. I aimed for 2 longer walks, 1 upper body and 1 lower body lift. I completed all 4. I even ran a bit during one of my walks. I'd like to build up to running 2 miles or so for the summer months so I can squeeze in a quick work out before the kids wake up (maybe). 

Less than 30 minutes per day of Facebook. Not quite, but I was under 40 minutes. I hate to say I still think this is big progress. Sad, really. 

Less chips. I had far less. No zero but far less. I call this a win. Trader Joes Sweet Potato chips- seriously, don't buy them. PSA to help your clothes fit this summer. 

This week I have to work two days. Hi, it's my first time working for more than 2 hours since November 2016. CRAZY. It will be good though. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and seeing if teaching is like riding a bike? I think it is. But I have no way of knowing because before this the longest break I ever took was 12 week maternity leave with Max. Anyway, I'm going to make my goals realistic next week because the two days I'm working are the 2 days I usually accomplish the most because I only have Jack home. 

This week I'll aim for 3 solid work outs: upper body, lower body, and 1 longer walk/run. I'll continue to eat less chips. I'm not going to set any particular Facebook goal but I am going to aim to read more, which usually cuts down on my Facebook time by default. I need a good, can't put it down book. I just finished An American Marriage which was good, but didn't fully suck me in. I started a new book that was a Kindle First deal- and I think I'm going to stop reading it because I really need something that reallllly pulls me in so I get off my dang phone. I do have an audio book going- I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam. Really, really good so far.

Hope everyone has a good week! What's on your mind these days?

^Max reading to his stuffed animals (Snuggles and big Snuggles). Brothers often are not a good influence on each other, but in this case Jack's recent interest in stuffed animals has rubbed off on his big brother.


  1. Today I listened to your podcast on my run, then Marco Polo'd you and now reading your blog!!! I love that you are blogging again! I like the less than 30 minutes of Facebook goal, I need to do that too. I've been on it WAY too much lately, especially because I've been selling a bunch of things on there over the last few days. I also like the goal of less chips, I don't really eat chips but I enjoy the veggie straws and have been going through ~2 bags a week lately. Too much!

  2. I need to download the moments ap. But I kind of don’t want to know how much I am on different aps. Ha. Having the kindle ap has really cut down on my Facebook usage.

    I feel so needed and only have one kid. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have 2. I feel like I am constantly watching the clock to see when Paul needs to go to sleep next as I try not to have him up for more than 90 minutes. So I feel like I spend so much of the day putting him to sleep which is not my favorite thing.

    I hope your 2 days of work go well and that you enjoy your time away! My goals for this week are to do my workouts for the post baby body program i bought. I did one strength training workout yesterday. One other one gets done during a stroller walk. I also might plant my garden this weekend but we will see if i can get my act together. And the sooner I plant it, the sooner I need to go there regularly to water.... so I might push it off a week or 2!

  3. Way to go on the goals!!! I probably spend way too much time on social media but the bulk of that is when I'm at work, we're slow right now so I have plenty of downtime! Nora introduced me to the low country series by Susan Boyer and those suck me right in, but I'm not sure your preferred genre.
