Sunday, August 24, 2014

On Goal Setting

As you may remember, before I had Max I used to set monthly goals. I know goals are not for everyone, but for me they help me stay focused on things I want to accomplish. A lot of times, they help me incorporate something fun or focus on something I'd probably forget about otherwise. I still get annoyed like everyone else when I have to create artificial goals at work with all sorts of rules that end up making something I don't care about at all. But when left to my own devices, I love goals and they work for me. It helps that I try to keep them fun, and don't get upset if I don't meet them. 

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I have been on and off with actually setting goals lately. I've slipped into a pattern where if I have too much stress I eliminate the goals to take pressure off myself. Maybe that's the wrong way to go. 

Eric starts school tomorrow. I have a classroom to get ready and a year to prepare for. I have one last week to enjoy uninterrupted time with Max. I have every reason in the world to just worry about goals later. Which is why I'm choosing to worry about them now. For the rest of August, and all of September I'm going to try to write one or two weekly goals and see how I like it. 

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August 24-August 30th

1. Take Max to do something new. Take Max to an old favorite. 

2. Write a "To Do" list each day. Each list will have 5 items or less. 

Do you write out goals for yourself? 


  1. I can't believe your summer break is coming to an end already! It's crazy how fast it went by... I hope you are able to strike a balance this week of enjoying your last full week with Max but getting things done so you feel ready for the first day of school!

    I set big goals at the beginning of the year but besides that I don't really intentionally set goals. I have had a goal of working out every day each month since April so that has been a fun/challenging goal. But besides that I don't really set specific goals. I do make to do lists, though, so maybe those are kind of mini goal lists!

  2. I have a daily to-do list both at work and for at home. My at home one is usually shorter and is things like workout, make dinner and then one thing pertaining to house cleanliness. My work list is usually never ending but that's how it goes for me these days.

    Wishing you and Eric luck as you return to work (unrelated: I didn't realize Eric worked for a school, too. How did I miss that? I need to get it together!)

  3. I am a big fan of goals, I don't always write them down though and more often than not I have them in my head like when I'm saving for a trip or training for a race. I also love to-do lists but they can really stress me out, especially when they get super long like my to-do lists are at work right now! I like the idea of setting 1 - 2 small goals per week though to keep you focused!

    Hope you enjoy this last uninterrupted week with Max!

  4. I like goals, even though I don't really set them anymore. I like feeling like I have a direction of some sort in the back of my head. I've slowly learned from you not to put too much pressure on accomplishing my goals, so thanks for that : ) I definitely like the idea of weekly, short-term goals for you.

  5. I am a fan of the weekly goals. It's just easier for me to manage! I hope you have a wonderful last week of uninterrupted Max time!!

  6. I, too, like goals when they are authentic. I always begin each new school year with professional goals, yet the contrived goals I have to create each year that come with strings attached and rules get in the way of my authentic goals. Our professional goals always have to fit within certain boxes and never match up with what I actually hope to accomplish on a personal level. For example, there was no way to use my entire dissertation/doctoral process as a professional goal... I have not been good about writing down goals in awhile, but I do really well with working towards something I have my mind set on.

  7. I like that you've taken your goals and simplified them. It's a great compromise and I hope it's working for you!

  8. I write goals for cleaning and in my classroom. And sometimes when I am preparing for an event or something. But I like to make goals and then not do them at all. It's a problem I have.
