Friday, January 24, 2014

Max Joseph is One Week Old!

Hi everyone :) I am working very hard on Max's Birth Story, but due to my own recovery I have a hard time sitting for long periods of time (aka longer than like 1 minute) so that is making it difficult to be on my computer long enough to write it. I promise it will get posted eventually! Hopefully before the end of Week 2. 

For now, here is a little glimpse of Max's first week of life. He was born last Friday at 3:20pm, and spent the weekend undergoing a billion tests and getting poked in the heels so. many. times. 

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Such is the life of a baby born at 36 weeks. Luckily Max was so tough from fighting all the liver bile that he was smooth sailing once he was out in the world. Over the weekend he met lots of important people in his life who love him very, very much. He (and his parents) were also well taken care of by the amazing nurses at MGH. I don't have a bad thing to say about my hospital. 

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Then, on Sunday he was allowed to go see his new home :) 

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Once he got home, he has had more visitors and spent lots of time hanging out with mom and dad, eating and sleeping. The life of a baby :) Max also had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. His pediatrician was also MY pediatrician and he said that Max is nice and healthy. He will see him again next week :) 

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Max at 1 Week

Looks Like: 

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Likes: milk, pooping a lot, squirming, peaking open one eye, making noises, busting out of his swaddle, laying on top of dad

Dislikes: when mom takes way too long to sit down and actually feed him, getting his diaper changed (specifically when we have to hold his legs because he is trying to kick the vaseline away)

Feeding: very often! during the day he can go 2-3 hours in between, but at night especially between midnight and 3 or 4 am, he usually wants to eat every half an hour… stinker

Sleeping: a lot during the day, not so much at night… but nothing terrible, just typical newborn baby

I hope everyone is having a great week and looking forward to the weekend ahead :) Thanks for all the supportive messages, posts on FB and Instagram comments. Max is very lucky that he is already so loved at only 1 week old. 


  1. Congratulations, Kelly! He is so, so, cute. I love that head of hair!

  2. YAY a post! I should say I opened my feedly AFTER commenting on Facebook saying I'm dying for his birth story. Haha. He just came so fast (from my perspective) so I can't wait to hear/read all about it!

    Max is SO SO cute and I'm so glad his first week went well. I hope you start feeling better and more back to normal soon too. Big hugs for you, Eric and Max! XO

  3. Always great to hear such a positive one-week update! It's funny, but when I think about how I was feeling in the week after giving birth, I'm not sure I would be as thankful as you are to have had so many visitors. Of course, I would choose a healthy TERM baby and visitors over a sort of healthy preemie baby in the NICU and no visitors ... but, it was very nice to have a quiet house those first few weeks. =)

  4. He is precious .Congrats to you and your husband ! Enjoy !

  5. CONGRATS! Look at that beautiful head of hair!

  6. Aw, he is so so cute. I just can't get over his hair, I know I keep saying that but it's so cute! I am glad that you are handling the sleep schedule ok so far. Sounds exhausting but looking at his adorable face probably helps! ;) I look forward to reading his birth story, too, and hope you are fully recovered soon.

    Oh and it's so cool that he sees your pediatrician! My older sister's kid seen our pediatrician, too!

  7. Congrats!!!! He is such a sweetheart! Can't wait to hear more and see more pictures

  8. Congratulations! He is fabulous! Hope you're taking good care of yourself too! :)

  9. Congrats to you both!!!! He is such a cutie and I absolutely LOVE his name!!!
