Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good

Ever heard of a Sicilian Eggplant?


My mom always knows where the best food is and she told me she had been getting some really good eggplant from a local farm and then I got to experience it at the Japanese restaurant on Friday night. I knew I had to have some.

You know what else is good? Sweet potato, eggplant, mushroom and black bean pizza.


Next time I think I'll mash the sweet potato and use it like a tomato sauce. But still good.

Today was the first day back for teachers...I know shocking that would be under the category of "good." Nothing good about it, except first grade has their visitation so I got to see a few of my kids from last year. Love them. Want them back.

Today Eric and I were driving along and saw a lemonade stand. The two of us are incapable of driving by a lemonade stand without stopping due to memories of living on dead end streets as kids, but still trying to sell lemonade. Lemonade stands always put me in a good mood.

The Bad

I just got a reminder that my car registration is up for renewal in September. I decided to check it since I thought I just renewed it when I changed my name less than a month ago. Turns out, all they did was charge me to change my name, it didn't renew it at all. Yet, when I changed my name on my license itself that renews my license. I don't know why I'm still shocked about the number of things that do not make sense when it comes to name changing, but I am.

The Ugly

So remember last week when I lost my classroom assistant to a teaching job and spent a day interviewing new people? Yup, we hired someone. Then SHE got a job, so I still don't have one and the kids come on Thursday. Boo. If I have to sit through another interview I might cry.


  1. That eggplant looks more like a red onion! The pizza looks unusual, but yummy!

    Good luck finding a classroom assistant!

  2. ugh to the process of finding an assistant! but that eggplant looks fabulous. same with that pizza. i love lots veggies on it!

  3. I have never seen a Sicilian Eggplant! I think we saw Japanese Eggplant at the farmer's market that we went to on Saturday, though!

    That sucks about doing all these interviews and then having the person not be able to take the job!! I hope the end of these interviews is in sight1

  4. That egglpant is an interesting looking thing!

    Sorry to hear about your classroom assistant. Something good with come of this ugliness!

  5. Wow, that is a huge eggplant!

    We are having eggplant parmesan for dinner tonight. Can't wait :D

  6. Mmm that pizza looks like heaven!! Yum.

    I've never heard of sicilian eggplant. Interesting!

    Good luck with the assistant and I hope you can have find someone SOON so the interviews can stop! Eek!

  7. Don't cry! Be happy because you're about to get a whole new batch of kids to love! <3

  8. Good luck finding another person! Interviewing people is the worst!

    I have never seen a Sicilian Eggplant - does it taste any different?

    That veggie combo on your pizza looks great.

  9. what a great idea for a pizza combo!

  10. The pizza sounds good. I've never had sweet potato on a pizza. I bet it'd be great with ricotta cheese!

  11. Yikes. Well, at least you have the eggplant!
    The money thing isn't such a biggie, I mean, that sort of stuff happens a lot....right?! I get charged for things I wasn't expecting all the time! Nothing is ever free, or cheap anymore. Such a bummer.
    As for the classroom assistant, well, good luck with that. I'm sure interviews are not as fun as they might look. I wish you luck!! Keep your head up high, and stay positive like you are so good at doing.

  12. that eggplant is gorgeous! i love produce.
    don't cry! maybe the very next person you interview will be so perfect for the job that it will be worth all the trouble you've gone through :)

  13. Love the spam comment above me. Hehehe.

    Way to go with the running and hoping you find an assistant SOON! I couldn't imagine doing your job without an assistant. Pure craziness!
